
Quality Management System

Taking the suprises out of working with us
We take a practical approach to Quality that can be summed up as
"getting it right, every time, on time and within budget"

Note that this makes no mention of the well-worn phrase of "right first time". We see this as a target, or mission and something to strive for since in reality, mistakes will be made. We prefer to see a Quality Management System that recognises when a mistake has been made and automatically "kicks-in" an improvement process that finds and repairs the cause of the initial defect.

We believe that there are two aspects to true Quality.
The objective side which concerns Quality as a measurable quantity, and the side that is more subjective and often difficult to measure. This concerns the customers perception that the product is of high quality and is often expressed in terms of: confidence in the supplier and the product, "partnership", and similar untouchables.

In practical terms we will provide you with a detailed plan of what we are going to do, and highlight and seek agreement before we deviate from it

In this way you will have no suprises

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